Saturday, March 31, 2012

I'm back with Chocolate Chip Cookie Cupcakes

Grieving makes baking hard.

Life doesn't seem that interesting and depression, the deep, dark depression that can easily take over is just to much while trying to keep living life. I didn't have time to really think about how I felt while my dad was sick and after he passed away, the emotions took me over from every direction. The last six weeks has been filled with lots of tears, sadness, depression along with laughter and happiness. I will always miss my dad. I love him dearly. He was such a big part of my life that it is hard to not have him here, just a phone call/short drive away. It is a slow process and things are getting better everyday. I am trying to get back to the things that make me happy and baking always made me happy.

Everyone loves a good cupcake, right?

I am kicking off my return with these rich and indulgent cupcakes. These cupcakes are just like a chocolate chip cookie. Okay, a soft, gooey cookie with butter frosting on top. They remind me of better, happier times. Times when there was less pain and life was good. Oh the chocolate chip cookie cupcake, how I love you. These are the kind of cupcakes you serve to the true sugar lover in your life. Incredibly sweet, buttery goodness that will bring a smile to your face and an intense sugar rush.

I adapted my cupcakes from Annie's Eats. Please kick on the link for her recipe. I didn't do the cookie dough filling but you might want to give it a try.

Stay tune for more sugary goodness.


  1. I've been craving for chocolate chip cupcakes! I'm just afraid my dentist in Huntersville wouldn't allow me to eat too much sweets these days because I just had my cavities removed recently.

  2. Andie - I don't think your dentist would appreciate you eating these either. However, once you get the cavities filled, make these and enjoy every last bite.


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